Leadership Training

During the Coaching with Integrity program, leaders:
- Get feedback from their team regarding their current coaching skills
- Develop their coaching skills to the next level
- Discover how to introduce true coaching to the team
- Set valuable coaching goals
- Learn The Secret Formula for Coaching Questions
- Practice The Models for Improved Thinking
- Apply The Models for Improved Performance
- Determine which of The Models for Improved Coaching Quality to use when
- Utilize The Models for Providing Information when sharing details with their team members
The Coaching with Integrity program is delivered in 6 phases, 1 to 2 weeks apart. It is designed for up to 12 individuals per group. The program includes:
- Interviews with each participant (including a diagnostic and a 180 tool)
- Coaching workshop #1
- Coaching session for each participant
- Coaching workshop #2
- Coaching session for each participant
- Coaching observation followed by a coaching session for each leader
During the Coaching with Integrity program, the leaders are provided with tools and job aids to help make their coaching more effective and productive.
Following the completion of the Coaching with Integrity program each participant receives a weekly Coaching Tip delivered electronically via email for 1 year from the start of the program.
The Coaching with Integrity program has the capacity to include both non-sales and sales leaders.

- Coaching Skills
- Pre-Positioning Coaching
- Coaching Goals
- The Secret Formula for Coaching Questions
- Models for Improved Thinking
- Models for Improved Performance
- The Secret Formula Plus
- Stages to Building Effective Habits
- Models for Improved Coaching Quality
- Models for Providing Information
- 3 Weekly Feedback Questions
- Steps to Giving Effective Feedback
- Difficult Conversations
- Essential Coaching Insights (8 in total)
Coaching for Better Results is easy to use. It’s divided into easy-to-digest modules that allow managers to learn at their own pace, review the lessons as needed, and print handouts and job aids to help them coach better. The exercise examples are based on real world experience to ensure they are relevant for managers.
The Coaching for Better Results program can be combined with live individual or group sales coaching by a member of the CSI team.
Before delivering any program, we use diagnostics to better understand your team’s needs so we can tailor the program to your group.
Also, if you have new members join your team after we do the training for your team, we offer courses online and/or with live virtual delivery. Your new team members can join one of the online and/or live virtual courses on a schedule that best suits them.
All materials are designed for in-person, virtual and/or licensed delivery. The choice is yours!
Leadership and Executive Coaching
If you are an executive, you may wish to have presentation, leadership, or executive coaching for you or other members of the leadership team. With this in mind, we will work with you to provide you with valuable coaching sessions to help with your and/or your team’s development.